Paul Blissett Yoga

Yoga classes in Mid Buckinghamshire & Online
Over 6,500 classes taught

Frequently asked questions

  • Do I need to be fit and flexible to join a yoga class?

    No. Increased flexibility, suppleness. strength and breathing are all benefits associated with yoga, but to start you just need to be well enough to undertake gentle exercise. If in doubt please refer to your GP.  I give alternatives in class as appropriate and students will not necessarily all be doing the same thing in exactly the same way to cater or varying needs and abilities.
  • What should I wear and bring with me to class?

    Please wear a comfortable top and leggings/trousers that do not restrict your movement.

    Please bring a yoga or exercise mat if you have one but otherwise you can borrow a spare mat of mine to start with. Do not buy a mat specially before first coming to class - you may end up buying the wrong thing.

    We lie still for the last 15 minutes of the class so you may wish to bring a blanket in colder weather to stay snug and warm for that.