Paul Blissett Yoga

Yoga classes in Mid Buckinghamshire & Online
Over 6,500 classes taught

Whilst certainly not essential for online yoga, the ouput from your tablet or laptop can be displayed on modern televisions

Online yoga - the new kid on the block is here to stay

Suddenly becoming mainstream during the Coronavirus pandemic, many were surprised to discover just what an attractive concept online yoga can be, especially if you have a comfy space at home for your yoga practice, don't have a yoga class nearby and either don't or prefer not to drive.

Online yoga becomes even more appealing when it is cold, wet and dark outside and my online class prices are cheaper too.

 I encourage online students to attend face to face classes periodically. An online block of classes allows students to attend one face to face class per block at no additional charge, subject to there being space available.


For existing and former students, the first online class is free of charge. Students new to my classes will have already had a free 1:1 yoga session as part of their induction. Thereafter students need either a fixed or variable block of classes active to guarantee their place in class.

Online Yoga prerequisites

  • As well as a yoga mat you should have any blocks, belts, blankets you need. .
  • A laptop, Chromebook, Kindle or tablet with Zoom loaded. A mobile phone is not suitable as the screen is too small and the wrong ratio.
  • A decent internet connection. If you can make video calls successfully over the internet via your router your connection should be fast enough since a yoga class is a video call. For more information see here.
  • A suitable space to practise at home. Ideally your webcam will be around 8 feet away and facing the long edge of your yoga mat so I can best see you. There are ways to make the most of a small space for online yoga.
  • A free 1:1 setup session before you first attend an online class. This will familiarise you with how the online classes run and the little you need to know about Zoom. It will also establish that you have a suitable place to practise and the corresponding siting of your laptop or tablet so we can see each other to best advantage.
  • New students will ideally be fairly local to give the possibility of working face to face one day.
  • New students additionally need to complete a confidential health form before receiving a free introductory 1:1 session to assess their general levels of fitness, flexibility, suppleness and body awareness, as well as enabling them to decide if they wish to join a class.
  • We lie still for the last 15 minutes of the class so you may want a blanket in colder weather to stay snug and warm for that.

Online yoga class protocol

At the start and end of class you can see, greet and talk with other participants. On being admitted to class you should also double-check your mat and laptop/tablet are positioned correctly to give me the optimum view of you both lying down and standing up.

Whilst practising in your own space students will receive individual comments and have a sense of sharing the class with other students.

Students receive links to the online classes by email and are be admitted via an electronic waiting room. You should use your forename and surname for your User ID since if I cannot tell who you are you will not be admitted. This is to ensure that our online classes remain safe and secure.

Please ensure you join the class in good time so you are settled by the start of the class as a courtesy to me and the other participants.

It is your responsibility to ensure you have sufficient space for your practice free from obstructions and hazards. This is essential since I cannot see how close you are to other objects via your webcam.

During the class all students are muted to prevent any sound at your end distracting other students. You can unmute yourself to ask questions, etc.. As you will be muted you can play your own music should you wish, but you should pause it before unmuting to avoid disturbing other students.

At the end of the class students get the chance to say how they got on.