Paul Blissett Yoga

Yoga classes in Mid Buckinghamshire & Online
Over 6,500 classes taught


These resources are provided as aide-memoires for students attending my classes. They are not designed to teach you how to do the postures and sequences without having first practised them with a qualified yoga teacher. If in any doubt about their suitability, you should seek advice from a health professional and/or yoga teacher, as appropriate:

  1. Welcome to Yoga and Common Health Issues handout
  2. Home lesson plan and Salute to the Sun
  3. Salute to the Earth
  4. Kneeling Salute to the Sun
  5. Salute to the Sun, Version 2
  6. Bridge sequence
  7. Salute to the Moon, Version 2
  8. Salute to the Morning, originally devised by Carol Smith