Paul Blissett Yoga

Yoga classes in Mid Buckinghamshire & Online
Over 6,500 classes taught

Swanbourne Village Hall Yoga

My Tuesday 10:00-11:30 class runs in Swanbourne Village Hall which can accommodate 12 people for yoga. The class is mixed ability and suitable for all.

Swanbourne Village Hall is newly decorated, has good ambient lighting for yoga, a faux wood floor and newly revamped heating now provided by radiators. Swanbourne is two and a half miles from Winslow and the hall is on the B4032 Mursley Road on the same side of the road as and one house along from the shop. There is a bus stop and street light immediately in front of the hall which has a picket fence and gate. The postcode is MK17 0SH.

You can come into Swanbourne from the north turning left off the A413 just south of Winslow, from the south off the A413 turning right for Swanbourne at the right hand turn where there is an inside passing lane for traffic going straight on. If coming from the north or the south you then need to turn east onto the Mursley Road in Swanbourne by the church and the hall is on the left just after the shop. You can also approach Swanbourne from Mursley where the hall is on the right just before the shop.

Please park to the right of the bus stop if attending during the day to leave space to the left for those using the shop. It is advisable to turn in your roadside wing mirror when parking outside the hall..Alternatively you are welcome to park at the Betsey Wynne car park.