My Blog entries also contain examples of the benefits my students have experienced through yoga
In addition you can find an independent review of one of my classes carried out by consumer research company Pro Insight in Summer 2018 here
Testimonials in red are for my online yoga classes
8th January 2025
Yesterday I went to my first yoga class since the beginning of December and I was extremely apprehensive.
Over Christmas I had damaged my (evidently arthritic) knee and it was so painful that at times I was reduced to walking with a stick.
I even considered giving up yoga.
Fortunately for me Paul had planned a very gentle class, like a giant warm up for our stiff joints to get us ready for yoga in the new year.
I found I was able to do much more than I had anticipated and the class gave me the confidence to start bending my knee again.
When I got home even the stairs didn’t seem such a problem.
Jane B
23rd December 2024
I want to say thank you for your Yoga classes. I have learnt so much from you and your classes over the years, all of which has been so beneficial to me in my life.
Pauline M
16th April 2024
I enjoyed last week's class (Mukunda Stiles Joint Freeing Series) and found it very helpful for my joints and it eased my shoulder problem significantly. I’ve been doing the wrist, elbow and shoulder combination daily and I can now sleep on my side without discomfort.
June C
16th January 2024
Thank you for the yoga, it really did helpJane W
29th October 2023
My knee replacement operation went to plan last Monday night. I was home on Wednesday afternoon, having conquered the stairs on day one. Apparently that's unusual, so I can only put it down to my yoga practice. Home physio is going really well, and it's made me realise how incredible the human body is. I see progress everyday.
Sally B
25th October 2023
I am leaving now Paul.
Brilliant session.
Thank you.
Liz D
4th July 2023
I had hoped that yoga would improve my flexibility, which it has, but I had not realised it would also improve my breathing.
For the last two or three years I have become increasingly breathless when walking. My heart and lungs were checked but nothing significant found.
After a class with Paul, where we used ties to facilitate a more upright posture, it became apparent that poor posture had been inhibiting my breathing. I now routinely adopt this more upright posture, especially in walking. This has largely eradicated my breathlessness and I now only use the ties to remind me not to slouch forward when gardening.
This has made a big difference to my enjoyment when walking. Furthermore I suspect it will also be of long-term benefit to my health generally, especially as I have asthma. I am very grateful to Paul for this insight.
Gerry M
20th October 2021
Subject - Thank you for shoulder improvement
A special 'thank you' for today's lesson. I'm noticing now that my left shoulder is noticeably less painful than it was before. It may have been that the rolling cat / sphinx / swan sequence, and the bridge sequence, or else a combination of everything we did in the lesson.
It would be great to be able to 'honour' you in some way. Perhaps I'll send a special commendation to the leisure centre...
Anna L
12th May 2021
Thank you for all you do, Paul. I find your classes extremely beneficial; my body soon tells me if I've missed a class.
Alyson P
27th April 2021
Very relaxing, non stressful, my kitchen becomes a yoga retreat for an hour and a half. And just great that yoga has been able to continue in these difficult circumstances.
Jane B
26th April 2021
I find having my yoga class at home works much better, I find I can relax/think myself into my yoga postures, I am able to think into the muscles/tendons much more easily, gaining insight into problem areas and because I am so much more relaxed the results are fruitful.
I can do the stretches as long as my body feels necessary and any postures by body feels it needs and I can do all this without disturbing other students. Overall I can get into myself making for a more profitable experience.
Pauline M
22nd October 2020
Practising yoga has been life enhancing. My posture has improved immensely and I feel more flexible than ever. Under Paul's guidance, learning different breathing techniques has instilled a sense of calm, making it easier for me to relax and sleep soundly after my yoga class.
Ann B
10th September 2020
I just wanted to thank you for your support yesterday evening and for another wonderful yoga experience. It definitely helped and I'm looking forward to next week's class very much.
Gill G
19th August 2020
I really enjoy your classes and find them very relaxing. Thank you !
3rd August 2020
Hello Paul,
I attended class last week with a painful shoulder, and tennis elbow, a problem which I have had for many years. I was somewhat apprehensive as we were going to concentrate for a while on shoulders. However, although I experienced some discomfort I was able to participate throughout the lesson. It was only during the afternoon that I realised I was completely pain free! The wonders of yoga!!!!
Best wishes.
Margaret P.
27th July 2020
Sorry I left last Wednesday's class quickly, I had to attend to the dog. As I mentioned, my lower back was significantly easier, also on the last sitting twist my lower lumbar vertebrae did a click click click, no pain just became easier, my own chiropractor..
27th July 2020
Despite my initial feelings that they wouldn't be as good as classes in Swanbourne Village Hall, I'm finding that the online classes are very good, and I'm enjoying them.
26th July 2020
Both Simon and I enjoy online yoga very much and would like to continue, timings of lessons allowing now that the world is opening up again and old regular weekly commitments are starting up once more.
Your instructions and demonstrations are always very clearly explained enabling us to follow and understand what we should be doing quite well.
We both find the whole experience relaxing and comfortable at home.
When it is cold and dark in the winter months, it will be of great benefit!
22nd July 2020
I thought that session was great yesterday, I couldn't believe how much of a forward bend I could do at the end (this was a session that made extensive use of ties).
19th July 2020
Thank you for your Zoom classes I really do enjoy them.
3rd July 2020
Initially, I was reluctant to take up the offer of online classes as I felt the technology involved would be complicated and I would not be able to organise a suitable space without a lot of shifting of the furniture. Neither, in fact, proved to be the case.
The thought of doing anything remotely is not generally appealing to me, but, again, my fears were unfounded as Paul keeps a close eye on the class and is still able to give considerable individual direction. This also makes me feel part of a class, rather than practising in a solitary situation.
Best wishes
22nd June 2020
Way back at the beginning of April, I felt that online classes were not for me because I preferred face to face sessions and thought classes via Zoom would be very lacking in that dimension. I did some yoga at home each week but missed the discipline of a full 90 minutes without distraction. However, having now completed four sessions I have to say that I have really enjoyed it and I don't feel as if I'm doing it alone because every ones' names are mentioned during the course of the class and at times everyone is visible to the rest of the class. I can imagine that on an icy winter's morning the prospect of not having to venture out into the cold and drive 14 miles to Swanbourne would feel like a big bonus to me.
8th May 2020
I ... have paid £40, likely to sign in to the classes weekly but happy to continue with the usual payment as really appreciate the work you’ve put in getting the classes up and running virtually.
See you next week
All the best
5th May 2020
Dear Paul
I hope you’re keeping well, and have been able to enjoy the fine weather we’ve been having, as well as teaching all your online classes!
I have been doing 30 mins of yoga every morning throughout the lockdown, and am feeling so different! But I’m really missing your teaching, so if it is possible, I’d like to join an online class. If I can, can you let me know how to go about it please?
Kind regards
29th April 2020
Loving the Zoom yoga, I’ve noticed how much better my core strength is recently. The amount of gardening, lifting, moving furniture etc, my back would have hurt years ago. Now I get a few niggles but it passes. So thanks for that Paul.
See you soon
29th April 2020
I think the zoom classes are working really well - thanks for doing them.
29th April 2020
I enjoyed my (first online) yoga lesson yesterday morning.
I can certainly feel the benefits today, which has made me realise how ineffective my home practice is!
Thank you for taking the time and trouble to guide me through the set-up session.
Should you have a vacancy towards the end of the week Paul, I would very much like to join you.
Margaret P
9th April 2020
Thank you so much for Tuesday's (online) class. It was brilliant to be back in class.
7th April 2020
Thank you very much Paul for a wonderful rejuvenating (online) yoga class, I really appreciated the class.
25th July 2019
Thanks for a really enjoyable year of yoga I enjoy all the benefits it brings to my now ageing body Sally
5th June 2019
Hi Paul,
Hey Paul, Congratulations on 1000 Swanbourne and Oving classes! Thank you for sharing your yoga so generously. Thank you for helping me recuperate my physical issues with your knowledge and skill. Tuesday mornings are always yoga mornings for me no matter where I am in the world. I am traveling until July 16th. I look forward to returning to your class when I’m back. Very sorry to miss the chocolate meditation. I’m googling that now so I can try it. See you in July. Toye
3rd April 2019
Content of an email to me subject Great Class Tonight!
Hi Paul,
Really enjoyed and hugely benefitted from the yoga class tonight!
Thank you.
3rd March 2019
Paul i just wanted to let you know that i will no longer be coming to yoga on tuesday evenings.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the lessons and learnt so much and thank you for my 90mins of 'me' time on Tuesdays.
19th December 2018
Many thanks for the great class!!
11th December 2018
Thanks for a great year of yoga I really enjoy it.
10th December 2018
Thanks for your patience and encouragement!
Carol and Judy
4th December 2018
Thanks for all the classes this year, you are an inspiration and always on hand with an encouraging thought and word. Thank you.
9th August 2018
Dear Paul, Thought I would send you an update. Have had my first knee replacement and am hobbling about on crutches but doing OK. More importantly, from your point of view, the medical establishment were impressed with how much mobility I had considering the state of my knees. Even more impressed with how much mobility and flex ion I have post op. They have come to the conclusion that it is down to doing yoga for so long and that I would have had far more trouble if I hadn’t been doing it at all. All the exercises I have been given to do (4 times a day) are yoga stretches with which I am already familiar. Thought this might be of interest to you and a good advert for you and yoga in general. You can quote me if you wish to. Don’t know when I will be back. I am waiting to find out when they wish to do my next knee but David will keep you posted. Thanks for all your help. Best wishes, Marjorie
26th April 2018
Hi Paul,
I just wanted to let you know I really benefited so much from class last night!
I had been really tired all day and had to make a real effort to get to class.
I felt so much more energetic afterwards, didn't feel tired at all when it was time to go to bed!
13th March 2018
I had meant to email you earlier than this. Thank you for last evening's class - it has helped my aching back enormously. I was starting to walk like a very old wizened woman, with all the heavy work I had had to do in cutting up a very old, large, water-damaged settee to get it out of my front room to make room for the new one I'd ordered.
The many floor sequences, especially the kneeling "Salute to the Sun", have helped my poor back considerably, and it now feels much, much better and I can stand upright again!!
28th November 2017
Paul's approach to Yoga takes into account everyone's abilities and limitations. He offers alternatives for people with restrictions and doesn't push for everyone to attain perfect Yoga poses. He encourages you to know your limits and I personally have better body alignment and no longer suffer with hip aches and pains. I really enjoy Paul's classes and also the relaxation at the end!
18th January 2017
I think yoga is an amazing and inspirational journey and I'm really excited about where it's leading me, in many areas. Least of all being able to reach my toes!
6th December 2016
Thank you so much for keeping me going all year!
Thank you for being such a good yoga teacher!
21st November 2016
Thank you for another year of your never ending patience!
8th November 2016
Hi Paul,
I thought you would like to know that today's yoga class( 1pm-2-30pm) has made such a difference to my back and hip. At this moment in time, I am a lot more mobile and completely pain free!!
Thank you so much.
Kind Regards.
20th April 2016
Morning Paul ,
I thought I would just drop you a line with regard to the benefits I am receiving from yoga, after only my fourth lesson, and thanks to your advice about breathing, I no longer awake at four and remain awake until the dawn breaks, this is such a bonus for me, having taken me from insomnia to normality, almost overnight, asleep at midnight and woken by my Labrador at eight o clock.
I walk for a good hour and a half every day and my quads were really tight, but again the exercises you suggested, which I do two or three times a day, have loosened them to a dramatic degree already, so I am so pleased that my friend Margaret brought me along to the taster class, as the benefits are very agreeable to me, many thanks, Paul
Kind regards
2nd January 2016
Hi Paul,
happy new year x
sleeping a lot better although the breathing has taken some getting use to!
I've managed to book Thursday yoga so will see you then.
Many thanks Vicki
16th December 2015
Your class has helped me through a very difficult time. Thank you!
17th September 2015
Dear Paul
I just wanted to say how important yoga is for me and it's hard to put down all the benefits I have and do have from practising it. It is my default relaxing mode and a good holiday for me is if I can take my mat and do lots of yoga, preferably in the shade on a sunny day with a peaceful view - not often achieved because I am with the grandchildren for many of my holidays - and am blessed by them and the holidays! I have taught all of them the yoga breath and it comes in specially useful with my 12 year old autistic grandson who I drive to school once a week to give his mother a break. His anxieties are always very high but I am pleased to watch him in my mirror as he closes his eyes and tries to do the relaxing yoga breath!!
Thank you for being a good teacher to me and all the others, we appreciate you.
22nd October 2014
Thank you so much for such a wonderful yoga class. Coming to your class for the past 9 years has meant a great deal to me, it has been an oasis away from my busy life and has helped me in so many different ways.