Paul Blissett Yoga

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Weedon Old Schoolroom Yoga

I hweedon_hall.pngave been teaching in Weedon Old Schoolroom since 2005 apart from the pandemic when I took my private yoga classes online.

Weedon is 4 miles north of Aylesbury and 8.5 miles south of Winslow, just off the A413.

This is an attractive old hall with a nice wooden floor and dimmable lighting providing a lovely setting for yoga for up to 12 students. The address is 29/31 High Street, Weedon, Aylesbury, Bucks HP22 4NW. You you can view the Weedon Old Schoolroom website at

Weedon Old Schoolroom is located at the widest part of Weedon High Street and usually has reasonable on-street parking. There is a high raised kerb opposite the hall which may foul some car doors if opened to the pavement side. Should parking prove difficult, there should always be plenty of space further down the High Street towards Whitchurch, on the left hand side by the long Lilies Estate wall.